There truly is a difference between style and fashion and It all comes down to your personality. I’ve always been taught that the way that you present yourself with clothing, accessories, shoes etc are another extension of your personality. So if you wake up and it’s a sunshiny day and you feel fabulous and you want to wear bright colors.. it doesn’t matter what season it is and you should do it but because it’s a reflection of how you feel.
Style vs. fashion is about you. Style is what you do with what you have and authentically create a look. Taking a scarf that you own for 10 years turning into the handle to your clutch bag or throwing it around your head like a scarf to cover your dirty hair. When you have your own style you can put together your pieces to create an overall look that screams you!

You’ll find this statement is true especially for people who regularly hear from their friends or family oh I saw this outfit and it was so you it’s only something that you could get away with that building yourself your personal brand. Style is timeless after all it takes a lifetime to create
Fashion on the other hand is important there’s not one without the other. High fashion is showing you the couture of what models are wearing on the runway. A lot of that isn’t as transferable to your every day looks but you can take aspects of a trend and adapt them to your style.
For example if the trend is skirts in general or a new length of a skirt. You don’t need the leather version, you don’t need the branded version, but you can add midi skirt as a length to your closet. if they functionally work with the pieces that you already own you can still be on trend without going full out and having the leather Midi branded skirt.

Fashion is constantly changing the sequence of trends,when and where to wear those trends, and how to accessorize them. What we have to watch for here is adding too much quantity versus quality no one has time to cultivate a wardrobe when you can literally just pick something up at target but that’s not always the best answer the way that you wear that garment is how you speak to the world without saying a word